Friday, September 22, 2006

For CEO's - A Subject of Profound Significance

We wrote the paper in June and offered it to just four publications: Corporate Finance Review (CFR), The CEO Refresher, Strategic Finance, and the Journal of the CEO Institute. Within two days, all four had accepted. CFR is running it as the lead in a special issue: The changing role of the CFO; The editors deemed the subject matter to be that important.

Since publication, we have been

  • Commissioned to write two additional papers on the subject that would lay out our technology in detail - one is to be titled The Cash Cow in Every Company.
  • Hired to speak before CEO peer groups.
  • Asked for reprint permissions; we will be published at least six more times before the end of the year.
  • Requested to conduct a webinar.
  • Approached about speaking at an annual trade conference.
  • Our book goes into a second edition.
As you will see, the article has been written from the CFO's point of view. However, the person responsible for taking action on the information is the CEO.

Please feel free to print it, email it to your boss, board, and associates and/or forward it to your business association. We would appreciate your comments on this article - its substance, its style, its graphics. The "comment" link is just below.

*Tom FitzGerald has personally consulted with more than two hundred organizations, his articles have appeared more than a hundred times in magazines around the world. His company's web is at