Friday, August 17, 2007

The Profile of a Healthy Company - Part 1

All executives know the importance of monitoring the underlying health of their companies. And of taking action to improve it.

However, they seldom get around to doing it. Probably because they do not know the huge and proven impact the attributes of a healthy (or unhealthy) company have on the bottom line. Perhaps because they believe the attributes are unknowable. Or think they cannot be measured. Or that doing so is difficult. Or, in despair, that nothing can be done about them anyway.

These beliefs are very wrong. The attributes of corporate health have been known and understood for decades; they can be quantified in great detail; they can be presented as a Balance Sheet and a P & L. Changing them is extraordinarily easy. Changing them transforms the bottom line.

The first step is knowing what they are.

In Parts 2 and 3 we will identify some of the more important attributes that constitute the Balance Sheet and P&L.


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