Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Cash Cow in Every Company - A Webinar

Within any company there are just six critical functions, entirely within the control of management, that have a profound and determining effect on the bottom line.

Date: Wed Oct 3, 2007

Time: 9:00 AM, USA Pacific

Duration: 1 Hour



A Master Session with Tom FitzGerald

Within any company there are just six critical functions, entirely within the control of management, that have a profound and determining effect on the bottom line. A small change to them generates a huge change in performance.

This works for high performing companies as well as troubled. Together they constitute a Cash Cow that is always available to any managing officer.

FitzGerald Associates discovered this in 1980 from their turnaround and reengineering work. They also discovered how to trigger changes in them; something just as important. Because this knowledge provided them with a competitive edge, they did not publish it.

A few months back, however, London School of Economics and McKinsey issued the report of a joint eight year study of one hundred companies. It showed that a 25% improvement in just three (of the six) Critical Functions results in a 42% improvement in financial returns*, something no strategy or tactic can generate. This study has since been supported by at least two other studies of 700 and 300 companies respectively. FitzGerald Associates therefore decided to make their intellectual property known.

These six Critical Functions can be measured in great detail. And so can the factors that drive them – the factors that constitute a company's Will to Compete. Once measured, they can be transformed. And being transformed, they transform the performance of the company. Charisma is not required.

Tom FitzGerald, CEO of FitzGerald Associates, will discuss these Critical Functions, how they impact bottom-line results, how they relate to a company's will to compete and, of course, how to turn them into profits.

Data from real (but anonymous) companies will be shown.

Click here to register


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